How to Know If You Need Endodontic Therapy

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Did you know that endodontic therapy could save your life? Studies have shown that an infection from an abscessed tooth can cause serious health problems. This problem is preventable with root canal treatment to prevent the abscess or a simple tooth extraction.

When getting to the root of tooth decay, the first step is prevention. Daily brushing and flossing, along with routine dental checkups, help keep teeth healthy and strong. Even with these precautions, sometimes a tooth can still become damaged. Untreated tooth decay, chipped, fractured or broken teeth can allow bacteria to enter and infect the tooth pulp, whether from accidental injury or trauma. This can ultimately lead to infection.

Treating an Infected Tooth

An infection often leaves signs and symptoms alerting you that something is wrong with a tooth. Our endodontist will need to make sure if there is an infection present, using X-rays that show the tooth and the surrounding bone and other observations.

By the time you experience physical symptoms, the tooth’s health has already been compromised. This could mean extensive damage to the tooth pulp where the blood vessels and nerves are residing. With irreversible damage to the tooth nerve, a root canal can save the tooth.

Our endodontist can remove this decay by cleaning and sterilizing the area using antibacterial medication and then seal the tooth to prevent further decay. This endodontic therapy is performed under anesthesia and usually results in tooth pain relief.

Signs of a Possible Tooth Infection

– Persistent sharp tooth pain or a dull ache worsened by chewing
– Tooth sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures
– Pain along with swelling in the face, neck or head
– Pus drainage into the gums and the soft tissues of the cheek accompanied by a bad taste or smell
– Pain when biting down onto or touching the tooth
– A darkening discoloration of the tooth
– Swollen lymph nodes in your neck along with a fever and a general feeling of illness or unease
– Trauma or injury to the mouth resulting in a broken tooth or cracked tooth

Having a root canal can relieve oral pain and save a damaged tooth while protecting the neighboring teeth. Saving your teeth allows you to keep your natural chewing abilities, which is always preferable to artificial teeth. It can also save your life!

If you have any questions or concerns about a tooth in your smile, we encourage you to contact our experienced team for an evaluation with our endodontist. Ruling out a tooth infection or treating one in a timely manner is crucial for your oral and overall health.