What’s up With Your Canine Teeth?

A typical adult human mouth has 32 teeth which come through by the time you hit puberty, around 13 years of age. This includes the incisors, canines, premolars, molars, and wisdom teeth (third molars which come in around age 18). Today we're going to talk about the canines, those pointed eye-teeth, or cuspids, located next to your incisors. They are... read more »

Smile Restorations Can be Done With a Dental Bridge

Did you know smile restorations can be done with a dental bridge? Yes, they can! Dental bridges have been a popular form of smile restoration for many years, which is why our team is happy to help you learn more about them. Our dentist, Dr. Jared Hill, cares about your oral health and is happy to help you with your... read more »