Autumn Is Here! How Will the Cold Weather Impact Your Health and Sleep Apnea?

Did you know that the shorter days of winter can impact your biochemistry? As the autumn days grow shorter and sunlight diminishes, you will want to be proactive about your health, especially if you live with sleep apnea. Making sure you get enough vitamin D boosts your serotonin production, which regulates your sleep-wake cycles. Lack of vitamin D from reduced... read more »

Talk to Your Doctor If You Have Unaddressed Sleep Apnea Symptoms

Did you know that approximately one in five Americans experience sleep apnea in either it’s mild or severe form and that another 80% of Americans go undiagnosed with this condition? Not only that, but those with the severe form of sleep apnea can wake up hundreds of times a night! Of the two types of this serious sleep disorder –... read more »

Better Sleep Can Help Your Smile

If you often find yourself waking up gasping for breath feeling like you can’t breathe, or have been told you snore like a bear all night, you might have a common sleep disorder called sleep apnea. This happens when the throat tissues collapse and block your airways while you sleep. If you have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), not only does... read more »